2024 Franklin National Convention

To be held at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs Hotel,
Franklin, TN, August 1-4, 2024 special rate $169+tax/day
For hotel link & information click here

Click for Additional Hotels for Day Passers

Click for Places near  the Convention Hotel by Suzanne Larson-Tamburo
Hosting Chair - Lynn Montgomery
Asst. Chair - Marion Haerle

All registrations and payments will be done online only for the 2024 Franklin Convention!

Registration Information 

Full Registrants REGISTRATION IS FULL...Click here to get on the waitlist-

  • Activity Registration is open for full registrants. Click here  to Sign-up for Activities  :
    • You need to have already registered for the convention and to use the same credentials  that you used when you registered.
    • Putting an activity in your cart does not "save your spot" and prevent others from purchasing..
    • EXTRA SPOTS have been added to the Thursday Night Workshop along with a Pick-up-only category for it.
    • See packet pages for specifics on these activities.

For those not registered....

  • Day Passes are now available. This is the link to purchasing a day pass. 
  • This will open in a new window/tab. At the top of that  day pass page is a link to the activities page where you can see and purchase still open workshops, theme luncheons and other activities.
  •  If you need more than one day pass, you can use the links in the shopping cart or return to the above day pass link.
  • You must have the appropriate day pass in order to take a class, or theme luncheon.  
  • See the CONVENTION DAY PASS tab below for more information on other activities available to you each day.

If a tab appears empty, hit refresh

Online Packet Pages

There is NO "Mail Option" for the packet this year

This packet is mainly for NAME members who are registered for the convention,
but everyone is welcome to have a peek..

Download the entire packet or investigate different sections individually.

The Convention Terminology page is a must see for Newbies.
The forms and applications are meant for Convention attendees only, except where noted.
Each has a specific place to be sent.

 All Workshops, Theme Luncheons, and Evening with Friends (Gala)
sign-ups and payments will be done online  ONLY  starting March 23, 2024.
Workshops and T. Luncheons are ONLY available to Convention Registrants (Full & That Day's Day Passers)

Click for Places near  the Convention Hotel by Suzanne Larson-Tamburo
Click for Additional Hotels for Day Passers

Entire Packet 
Rev 1-21-24, 1-24-24,1-26-24, 2-6-24, 2-28-24, 3-11-24, 3-22-24,
3-26-24, 4-15-24, Rev 4-22-24, 5-23-24, 6-3-24, 6-17-24, 6-25-24
all the below in one file
Welcome Message Hospitality Room
Cancellation Form &
Code of Ethics
Host/Hostess Form
Advanced Table
Seating Form
Hotel Information

Area Attractions

Houseparty Helpers Form
Auction Form Mega Roundtable Application
Rev 1-24-24
Care Giver Form Roundtable Application

Pre-Convention Workshops
Rev 1-17-24
Held Mon-Wed., some multi day

Committee List

Registered Workshops
Held Thurs/Fri morning

Convention Terminology

Schedule (tenative)
Rev 3-22-24, 6-3-24, 6-17-24, 6-25-24
includes Form Checklist

Rev 1-21-24, 3-26-24,
4-15-24, 4-22-24,5-23-24, 6-3-24
Souvenir Book Special Form
DEADLINE Extended to be received by  June 15, 2024

Evening with Friends (Gala)
held Wed.Evening
Open to all

Souvenir Book Ad Form
Anyone can advertise

DEADLINE Extended to be  received by June 15, 2024

Exhibits Form Swaps
Garage Sale Donation Form

Theme Luncheons
held Fri/Sat

Gold Star Volunteers Form Thursday Night Workshop
rev 2-6-24 to include optional extras
rev 2-28-24, 3-11-24
Home Improvement Seminars Toolbox


Convention Day Passes

Convention Day Passes


  • Day passes costs:
    • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are considered one day. All other days are one day. If you have purchased a day pass for any day of the week, Sunday is a free day.
    • For NAME Members: $30 each for NAME members.
    • For Non-NAME members:, their first day pass is $65 which includes a basic NAME membership, and then each day after that is $30
    • Day Passes will be available beginning on April 23, 2024. At the same time, workshops that are still open will be available to sign up for. You must have a day pass in order to take a class, or theme luncheon. 
  •  Mon Tues Wed DAY PASS  (considered AS ONE DAY) allows you to:
    • Register for any remaining open classes on these days. 
    • Participate in any Silent Auctions held on these days.
    • The Gala  on Wed eveniing is open to all, no day pass needed.
  • Thursday Day Pass allows you to:
    • Register for any remaining open Thursday workshops, including the Thursday night Project/Workshop.
    • Visit the sales room, the exhibit room, &  hospitality room.
    • Shop Roundtables,
    • See the Houseparty Helpers & purchase ticket for the Helpers (raffle items), You must come back Saturday night after the Banquet for the drawing as you MUST be Present to Win. 
  • Friday Day Pass allows you to:
    • Register for any remaining open Friday workshops, and/or Theme Luncheon (which include a specific lunch & souvenir)
    • Visit the sales room, the exhibit room, &  hospitality room.
    • Attend Home Improvement Seminars,
    • See the Houseparty Helpers & purchase ticket for the Helpers (raffle items), You must come back Saturday night after the Banquet for the drawing as you MUST be Present to Win. 
    • Shop the garage sale, attend the auctions.
    • Attend the AOH or a Life member reception if you are eligible.(you'll receive an invitation)
  • Saturday Day Pass allows you to:
    • Register for any remaining open Saturday Theme Luncheon (which include a specific lunch & souvenir)
    • Visit the sales room, the exhibit room, &  hospitality room.
    • See the Houseparty Helpers & purchase ticket for the Helpers (raffle items), You must come back Saturday night after the Banquet for the drawing as you MUST be Present to Win.
    • Regional and the Business meetings are open to all NAME members to attend regardless of day pass purchase. 

 Fine Print:

  • Can day pass buyers also participate in the Houseparty Helper raffle? YES! BUT, you must come back after the dinner on Saturday night, as the winners must be present to win.
  • Day-pass buyers do not get any of the three meals that are included in the full registration (Thurs opening luncheon, Sat. evening Banquet, or Sun. Brunch). They will not receive the souvenir. They also cannot sell roundtable kits. They are not eligible for the hospitality kits and gifts made for full registration attendees.
  • If a day-pass purchaser signs up for a class and they cannot attend the class, they will be responsible for the shipping of the kit(s) to them. No kits will be sent before the shipping is paid.
  • For roundtables, mega-roundtables, garage sale, and other places with entry lines, day-pass buyers will line up behind the full registration attendees.
  • Day-pass purchasers must be at the venue by the sign-in time determined at a later date. Most likely around 7:30 AM on the specific days of your purchased passes to pick up your special badge. Badges must be worn at all times in order to attend all of these functions.

Click here if you'd like to watch a video that Alician did explaining day passes




Important Changes

Pre-Convention Workshops

Registered Workshops

Theme Luncheons



Gala/Evening with Friends

Please direct any questions about this event to Beth Grabau.
Her email address is listed  in the flyer below.


Having trouble with the website? Please click here to contact us about it.