Annual Club Charter Renewal

This form combines the annual club charter renewal and officer notification forms that are in your annual packet. (Submit the paper or online officer notification form if you have changes in officers or their information before the next charter renewal.) You may submit this form instead of using the mail-in copies. Fill in all the information and push submit. 

This must be sent in even if there are no changes in your information.

In order to keep your club charter active, it is necessary for you to submit this renewal form OR the paper copy to the NAME office by July 1.  NAME must have updated information in order to comply with the regulations stated in our letter of determination for 501 c-3 status with the IRS.  (Our Association is required to provide an updated list of club presidents with names and addresses each year to the IRS.) Once this is received and if there are no changes to your roster, this will complete the charter renewal. Simply check the appropriate space below if the information is the same. If yes was marked for changes to roster, the office will email you a roster to update. Once that roster has been updated, the charter renewal will be complete. 

The other information requested is needed to keep our records accurate in order to provide necessary services and information to you and to potential new club members (if your membership is open.) 

Remember the Club President and Contact person must be NAME members.

President's Information

More entry fields will appear if you select "No."

Contact Person's Information


More entry fields will appear if you select "Yes."

New Vice President's Information

New Secretary's Information

New Treasurer's Information

If you have changes, please make them on the roster that the office will email you.

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